When you purchase a Social Work Exam Prep study program, you are purchasing a license to use Social Work Exam Prep proprietary software. All content included in or made available through any Social Work Exam Prep service or software, such as software, study materials, text, graphics, logos, button icons, images, audio clips, digital downloads, and data compilations, is the property of Social Work Exam Prep or its partners and is protected by the United States and international copyright laws. The compilation of all content included in or made available through any Social Work Exam Prep service is the exclusive property of Social Work Exam Prep and protected by the U.S. and international copyright laws.

This license is granted to you only and as such does not permit you to sell, lend, share, assign, lease or transfer in any other way any copy of the software. You may not sell, lend, assign, lease or transfer in any other way remaining time you may have left to use the software.

Through the purchase of a study program, Social Work Exam Prep may enable you to obtain, listen to, view, or read (as the case may be) various study materials images, video, text, books, games, quizzes, or other material that you may receive in digital or physical form (“study materials”). You further agree that the study materials are exclusively for your personal use.

You agree not to redistribute, broadcast, publicly perform or publicly display or transfer any copies of the study materials. Such prohibited redistribution includes, for example, sharing or posting any part of the study materials to Facebook and other social media services or Internet sites, or making physical or digital copies of the study materials and transferring, selling, sublicensing, and/or giving them to other individuals or entities. Because you agree that your license to use the study materials is personal to yourself, you may not resell, assign, or otherwise the license to another individual or entity.

You further agree to refrain from removing or altering any copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property notices contained on or provided through Social Work Exam Prep (including for the purpose of disguising or changing any indications of the ownership or source of any study materials).

You acknowledge that by reason of this User Agreement you will have access to certain confidential information and materials. You agree that, except as expressly permitted herein, you will not use or in any way disclose to any third party except as may be required by law, any such confidential information revealed to you, by Social Work Exam Prep without its prior written consent. You shall take every reasonable precaution to protect the confidentiality of such information.

You agree that any violation of these provisions will cause Social Work Exam Prep irreparable harm that cannot be cured by money damages, and further agree that breach of this User Agreement is subject to all remedies available in law and equity, including, for example, injunctive relief. Any violation of these provisions may also cause Social Work Exam Prep to terminate your license at Social Work Exam Prep’s sole discretion, with no refund of the licensing fee paid, in addition to other potential damages under pertinent common law and statutes, including various intellectual property laws. Additionally, you agree that Social Work Exam Prep may report any ethical violations that occur in connection with any unauthorized use or distribution of the study materials to the pertinent regulatory or licensing body including, for example, the National Association of Social Workers.

All sales are final. There are no refunds for any portion of your purchase.

Refund Policy

Our products are delivered by Internet download only. After your purchase is complete, we will process your order. Orders are typically processed within one hour but could take as long as twenty-four hours to complete and receive the digital download email. Once your order has been processed we will send you a confirmation email using the email address you provided on our order form.

This email will serve as your electronic purchase receipt and will contain the information you need to access our product downloads.

Returns and Refunds

We stand behind our products, and your satisfaction is important to us. However, because our products are digital goods delivered via Internet download, we offer no refunds. If you have an issue, please contact us at jamesgibsonaswbprep@gmail.com to see if we can assist you.

You understand there are no refunds of any purchase. Once you have made a payment, you expressly agree not to initiate any chargeback request with your card issuer.


All of our products are delivered digitally, so there are no shipping or shipping costs associated with any purchases on www.socialworkerexamsprep.com